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Filtering in OMERO

OMERO has a built-in filter function that allows you to sort through images. To allow image sorting, we are using an OMERO function named 'tag', or in other words, we are tagging images with keywords.


On top, there is a drop-down menu which includes the option 'Parade'. OMERO.parade is a metadata-mining tool designed to filter through the possibly huge amounts of available metadata that could be stored in images.

We can add tags manually from the plus sign under the Tags btton on the right and further filter through the dataset.


With the new tag we added, we can filter further images.


Autotag is a function that allows tags to be created from the original path of the image. We will use Autotag to create a scram tag.



You can use the Tag Search tool at the top menu to search through tagged images with efficiency.
